The Hatchery

Our Hatchery is dedicated to hatching quality heritage poultry, and game fowl. All of our birds are purebred unless stated otherwise. The Hatchery began in 2020 and has grown a lot. We originally started with ducks; but soon realized ducks were not for us. Chickens came next when we bought 25 birds right off the bat. Since then, we have explored lots of different birds, and found that turkeys are probably our favorite. All of our birds are heritage breeds. Most of our breeds are considered dual-purpose and can be uses for meat and/or eggs. We are working on a Fibro Turken Olive Eggers (these are naked neck chickens that have black skin, feather, combs and wattles, and also lay olive aka green shaded eggs) project and are super excited to share them and our progress with you! 

For Sale

Please inquire for availability, or to be added to our wait list.

**Hatching eggs are available in limited quantities April-October**

Royal Palm Turkey

Satin Silkie Bantam

Celadon Coturnix Quail

TLR Hatchery does not ship live Birds or hatching eggs.

We ask that you pick up your birds withing 72 hours of hatching. Day-old birds are sold as straight run only.

We do not sex birds at this time.

Notice: TLR Homestead is closed to the public.

We practice strict biosecurity to keep all of our birds and the premise safe and healthy. 

Commonly Asked Questions

Q- Do I need to heat my chicken coop in the winter?

A- NO! Chickens are pretty cold hardy. Providing them with a dry/draft free place to sleep is key. They do not need a heat lamp/heater. Adding one will increase the risk of a fire. 


Q- When will my chickens start laying? 

A- Usually chickens start laying around 6 months old, although some breeds take longer (8-10 months) to mature.