Royal Palm Turkey

Royal Palm Turkey Care

Here in Pennsylvania, we have Eastern Wild Turkeys.  Each year around 60-70% of all poults hatched will die in the first 4 weeks. Rasing domestic turkeys can be just as tricky. turkeys as a whole are very susceptible to respiratory illness, and this can spread through an entire flock if not taken care of early on.

Turkeys can be raised inside of a run, or they can free range. It is important to note when free ranging, that you may need to keep 2-3 turkeys, in order to encourage your birds to stick around your farm. A lone hen may hear a nearby wild tom and take off to find him. A loan tom may hear wild hens and take off to find them as well. 

Turkeys are considered a game bird and can be fed a game bird feed. however, they do not need it. We feed a general all flock feed. Be sure that during breeding season, your hens get enough calcium for their shells. You can place a bucket of oyster shell out for them to pick at or you can feed eggshells back to your flock.

The Royal Palm is a breed of heritage breed of domestic turkey. It is not generally used for meat production, and is usually kept as an ornamental bird for its unique appearance

The Royal Palm first appeared in the 1920s on a farm in Florida, and was said to be a cross between Black, Bronze, Narragansett, and native turkey. 

Most heritage breeds declined after the adoption of the BBW (broad breasted white) turkey industry; the Royal Palm is an endangered breed and is classified as "watch" by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy.